We are a nonprofit organization that exists to unite and mobilize churches, community organizations, ministries, businesses, and individuals to address three primary needs in the community: hunger, homelessness, and mentoring.
We believe that we are called to be missionaries right where we are. Jesus tells his disciples that hungry souls are abundantly available everywhere, but the laborers are few. For us, it’s all about loving God, loving people, and coming together to serve as one.
The best way to keep up with everything happening with Heart for Monroe is on social media. Whether it’s looking for service opportunities, reaching out for help through messenger or taking a look at some photos from our latest events, our Facebook and Instagram pages are where it all happens.
Prayer has the power to change everything and we live in a unique time and place where we are not only allowed to go into public schools and pray for our students, teachers, and staff – they are asking us to bring believers into their schools to walk the hallways and to cover the school inside and out with prayer. Please join us for our next school prayer walk.
601 E Sunset Dr
Monroe, NC 28112
Love does whatever it takes to multiply itself and somehow along the way everyone becomes part of it.
Bob Goff